Managing Two Git Profiles on the Same Machine

Managing Two Git Profiles on the Same Machine

Working with two Git profiles on the same machine might sound straightforward, but it can quickly turn into a frustrating experience. I faced this challenge when trying to maintain separate mac os profiles for personal and work projects. Here’s why maintining in the same profile was necessary for me and how I managed to resolve the issues.

The Pain of getting the permissions mixed between Profiles

As a developer juggling personal side projects and professional work, I found myself constantly switching between the tow user profiles. This led to several issue of Mixed Permissions I used to work on the different profile for work and personal projects, and used to struggle resetting permissions for brew, node and other binaries. These challenges forced me to find a better solution to manage multiple Git profiles on my machine.

Setting Up Two Git Profiles

To solve this, I set up separate SSH keys and configurations for each profile. Here’s how you can do it too:

1. Create SSH Keys for Each Account

Generate separate SSH keys for your personal and work accounts and add them to respective github accounts :

For macOS and Linux:

cd ~/.ssh
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "" -f "github-personal"
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "" -f "github-work"

2. Add SSH Keys to the SSH Agent

Add the generated keys to your SSH agent:

For macOS:

ssh-add --apple-use-keychain ~/.ssh/github-personal
ssh-add --apple-use-keychain ~/.ssh/github-work

Fir Linux:

ssh-add ~/.ssh/github-personal
ssh-add ~/.ssh/github-work

3. Configure SSH for Multiple Accounts

Edit the SSH config file to define host aliases for each account:
nano ~/.ssh/config

# Personal account
Host github-personal
    User git
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/github-personal

# Work account
Host github-work
    User git
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/github-work

4. Use Correct Accounts for Repositories

When cloning repositories, use the appropriate host alias:

  • For personal projects:
    git clone git@github-personal:username/repo.git

  • For work projects:
    git clone git@github-work:username/repo.git

If you’ve struggled with managing multiple Git accounts on the same machine, I hope this guide helps you as much as it helped me.

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